Remove memorized autocomplete addresses Yahoo Mail

Tip: How to Quickly and Easily Get Rid of Old E-Mails - Yahoo Feb 23, 2016 How to delete an obsolete or incorrect email address in Sep 30, 2017

Add, delete, or edit a send-only address in Rogers Yahoo Mail

Create, use, edit, or delete disposable email addresses in Yahoo Mail If one of these addresses gets too much spam, for example, simply delete the address. They consist of 2 parts, a "base name" and a "keyword" ( and you can create up to 500 of them at a time.

3. Verify Yahoo mail address: After clicking on “Continue deleting my Yahoo mail account” you will be presented with a page where you need to verify your e-mail address. Here you have to enter your e-mail address with Yahoo mail extension. After typing in the address, you can click on “Yes, end this account”.

How to Delete an Email Address from Autocomplete on Outlook May 15, 2018